Sidney Stevens is an internationally published author with an MA in journalism from the University of Michigan. Her short stories have appeared in numerous literary journals, including Oyster River Pages, TINGE, The Woven Tale Press, Del Sol Spec-Fic Review, Hedge Apple, and The Wild Word, as well as anthologies, such as The Power of the Pause (Wising Up Press), Another Name for Darkness (Sans. PRESS), and Elements (Dublin Creative Writers). Creative nonfiction credits include Newsweek, Dillydoun Review, New Works Review, Sure Woman, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and an anthology called Nature’s Healing Spirit.
Throughout her career she's written articles for publications ranging from Treehugger and Mother Nature Network to Sierra, Womansday.com, Real Woman, and CNN.com. She's also co-authored books for Rodale and Basic Health Publications. She lives in a small town in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Throughout her career she's written articles for publications ranging from Treehugger and Mother Nature Network to Sierra, Womansday.com, Real Woman, and CNN.com. She's also co-authored books for Rodale and Basic Health Publications. She lives in a small town in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Contact Me:
Phone: 484-894-7160
Email: [email protected] |